Welcome to Sistah Voices
A place where peer support, health education, encouragement, information, and hope abounds.

COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation

About SISTAH Voices
Who We Are

SISTAH Voices, was founded by Dr. Gertie Loretta Hurley in 2010 as SISTAHS Circle (Its acronym SISTAHS meaning Sisters Inspiring Sisters to Activate Health Sense) as a fundraising arm and now an initiative of Taking Effective Action, Incorporated (TEA) www.t-action.org and to support the mission to educate and encourage women, girls, and families to make positive changes to their health. Dr. Hurley was diagnosed with hypertension as a teenager and as a result she began a lifelong quest to seek ways to improve her health and share information and educate others, especially African American women.

All of her experiences culminated in her expanding SISTAHS Circle to speak directly to African American women of all ages with an online voice of the SISTAH Voices Online Talk Show and the SISTAH Voices Online Quarterly eBook and Blog.

Important Information

Important health statistics that every African American woman should know.
Knowledge is power!

Heart disease is the number one cause of both death and disability in women in the U.S. And the fact that African American women have an even higher chance of dying from heart disease—and at a younger age—compared to white women. About 49% of African American women over age 20 have some type of heart disease, like: clogged arteries in the heart, arms, or legs; Stroke; High blood pressure; Angina (chest pain).
One in three black women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Their lifetime probability of dying from cancer is about 1 in 5.
Black women continue to be diagnosed with HIV at disproportionately high rates relative to White and Hispanic/Latina women. In 2016, 4,560 Black women were diagnosed with HIV, representing 61% of HIV diagnoses among all women in the United States that year.
According to the United States Department of Justices Office on Violence Against Women, the definition of domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain control over another intimate partner. Many forms of abuse are included in the definition of domestic violence: domestic violence goes on to say that victims can include anyone, regardless of socioeconomic background, education level, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. Victims can be: spouses, sexual/dating/intimate partners, family members, children, or cohabitants. If You Know Someone Who is in a Domestic Violence Situation, Suggest domestic violence support groups, hotline numbers (available 24/7/365, 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), 1-800-787-3224 (TTY for Deaf/Hard of Hearing),and other resources for your friend or family member. In an emergency, please dial 911.
There is inadequate community knowledge about sickle cell disease among African-American women. 11% of the women were unaware of their sickle cell trait status. Most women recognized pain (94%), infections (80%) and strokes (40%) as complications of SCD. New strategies are needed to enhance awareness of SCD among African-American women of childbearing age.


COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation: Older adults and people who have certain underlying conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 illness. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Wash your hands often | Avoid close contact and practice social distancing. | Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others | Clean and disinfect | Monitor Your Health Daily!

Get the latest public health information from CDC »
Get the latest research information from NIH »

Featured Campaign
Health Awareness: 2020 TEA HIV/AIDS Roundtable #1

What you have to say

How We Help

SISTAH Voices, through TEA offers a range of education and support services to help African American women of all ages with all types of health conditions live healthier, fuller lives. We understand the fear and isolation that often comes with living with different health conditions because we are an organization that is managed by women who are living with various chronic diseases. SISTAH Voices recognizes that emotional and peer support is vitally important to a woman’s overall health regimen.

Our Mission

To facilitate healthy lifestyle changes in African American women and girls through health education, encouragement, information, and hope.

News, Updates and Anouncements
Our blog
View Full Blog
Event: 2021 Virtual Heart Health Workshop

Taking Effective Action, Inc.(TEA), Campfield AME Church, and Love AME Church Presents: A Free “Virtual Heart Health Workshop” – Saturday, February 20, 2021 | 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM EST. Join us for a free virtual workshop on “Heart Health” Speakers include noted cardiologist, Dr. Patricia Davidson, a quick discussion on “Food Safety” by Giant Food Inc., Ms. Leslie Jefferson and “Fitness Moments” by Ms. Lisa Lofty, Certified Personal Trainer, Lobo Fitness. Fun activities and prizes.

HIV/AIDS and Women 50 and Over – Roundtable #4

Learn about HIV/AIDS and women 50 and over and how to access and search HIV/AIDS resources from the National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine by visiting sistahvoices.org, an interactive, online forum for health and wellness education targeting African American women.

HIV/AIDS and Food Safety – Roundtable #3

Learn about HIV/AIDS and food safety and how to access and search HIV/AIDS resources from the National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine by visiting sistahvoices.org, an interactive, online forum for health and wellness education targeting African American women.

HIV/AIDS and Nutrition – Roundtable #2

Learn about HIV/AIDS and nutrition and how to access and search HIV/AIDS resources from the National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine by visiting sistahvoices.org, an interactive, online forum for health and wellness education targeting African American women.

View Full Blog
Helpful links
HIV AIDS General Resources

AIDS source: https://aids.nlm.nih.gov/
AIDS info: https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/
Clinical Trials: VIEW THE REPORT
Special Topics/HIV and COVID-19: VIEW REPORT
Special Topics/Do You Know HIV and PrEP? VIEW REPORT

Black Women and PrEP (Links from AIDSource)

Blackaids.org Brochure VIEW PDF BROCHURE
Thewellproject.org PrEP for Women: VISIT PAGE

Contact Us
Please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible
  • P.O. Box 4433, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
  • info@sistahvoices.org
  • 240-394-8327

SISTAH VOICES: A place where peer support, health education, encouragement, information, and hope abounds.
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